I.S.P.E.F. QUALITY ASSESSMENT MODELDesigning the Quality of Educational Services for the Educational Institution / School The differing views to assess the quality of training services Internal Evaluation within Training ServicesThe External Evaluation of educational Services The Global Assessment of Services Assessment Documentation
Specific Accreditation of the Educational Institutions and Schools
1.1.1. Scope and definition of educational institutions and schools1.1.2. The general rules of ceis certification - certification of educational institutions and schools1.1.3. The process of certification of education institutions / schools
The Process of Certification
1.2.1. The purposes of CEIS certification process1.2.2. Objectives of CEIS certification process1.2.3. Quality Evaluation Services of the Educational Institution / School 1.2.4. The documentation1.2.5. The documentation of the Quality Manual 1.2.6. The management and assessment procedures of CEIS standard
Quality of Management in the Organization and Operation
2.1.Management Bodies 2.2.The responsibilities of management for the operation of educational services 2.3.The delivery of educational services2.4.Infrastructure and work environment 2.5.Sanitary standards in the educational institution / school
Quality of Management in Human and Professional Resources
3.0.Terms and definitions of human and professional resources3.1.The headmaster's activity3.2.The professional skills of teachers of the educational institution/school3.3.The staff training in-service 3.4.The class council3.5.The teaching body3.6.The administration manager3.7.The quality manager and committee3.8.The formation of the class group
Training Quality of the Teaching and Educational System
4.0.Terms and definition of the educational and teaching system4.1.The purposes and processes of training services of educational institutions/school4.2.Admission of students and insertion in the educational institution / school4.3.The work plan, the institute design and the teaching programming of the educational institute4.4.Innovative projects of the educational institution / school
Social Quality of Students, of the Environment and of the Educational Institution / School
5.1.The satisfaction of students, teachers and management5.2.Communication and participation of students and families in the educational institution / school5.3.The students’ representatives5.4.The collaboration between educational institutions / schools and training continuity
Quality for the Certification of the Training System and Services
6.1.Assessment of the quality plan 6.2.Analysis of services and monitoring of results and processes6.3.The redesign and improvement activity